Turkish Cuisine Chef-What is Steak? What are the Original Steak Varieties?

I believed that I should write an article about steak and steak varieties, as I saw that the wrong terms used in the gastronomy sector became a bit too much. Steak is a word of English origin in the international common sense. When I think about its meaning in Turkish, I can interpret it as "lop et". If I take into account the similar names in Anatolia in our culinary history, it has also been used in the sense of "dawn wind". Steak, "lop meat," varieties by weight...
1/15/2021 12:00:00 AM
Turkish Cuisine Chef-What is Steak? What are the Original Steak Varieties?
Turkish Cuisine Chef- What is Steak? What are the Original Steak Varieties?Turkish Cuisine Chef- What is Steak? What are the Original Steak Varieties?
I believed that I should write an article about steak and steak varieties, as I saw that the wrong terms used in the gastronomy sector became a bit too much. Steak is a word of English origin in the international common sense.
When I think about its meaning in Turkish, I can interpret it as "lop et". If I take into account the similar names in Anatolia in our culinary history, it has also been used in the sense of "dawn wind".
Steak, "lop meat," varieties by weight 200 gr in 2022 gastronomy trends. and over ie 400, 450 gr. I can grammar. If I have to mention at the beginning of my article, "lop meat" is not just red meat.
What is Steak?
"Steak" and Steak varieties are one of the words we hear the most in the food and beverage industry during the Grand Opening and the Small Opening.
It means Steak, in what sense is the word Steak used? What is the meaning of Steak?
  • The Most Annoying Pieces of Meat,
  • Softest Meat Pieces,
  • Boneless Meat Piece,
  • Like Turkish Delight,
  • Turkish delight,
  • Lop Meat,
  • Seheryeli,
It can be defined as above in restaurant menus where the most successful Menu Engineering is applied. We can also say that the most delicious or softest meat varieties that can come out of a bovine and ovine animal. One of the most important issues that I should mention is that steak varieties in the best Show Kitchen products are not limited to red meat. Steak types in Popular Restaurant Promotions It can also be cooked with different cooking techniques in the oven, grill, barbecue and professional kitchens.
With the questions of How Can I Have the Best Restaurants in the City, How to Set Up an A la Carte Kitchen, and steak varieties, which are among the subjects that those who want to have a permanent restaurant are curious about...
Steak doesn't just come from veal. Steak varieties can be extracted from the animals whose meat can be eaten by the World Health Organization, which I will mention below as an example.
  • Beef,
  • Bison
  • Camel,
  • Ostrich,
  • Pig,
  • Deer,
  • Turkey
  • Kangaroo,
  • Goat,
  • Swordfish,
  • Shark,
  • Marlin Fish,
  • Salmon,
  • Chicken,
  • Zebu,
Steak varieties can also be made from various large fish species. Today, lop meat varieties, which have managed to become popular in restaurant trends and food trends, have also carried the popularity of the Steak House restaurants concept to higher levels in restaurant projects among restaurant concept varieties.
Although Steak lovers do not have enough information about Steak varieties when opening a new restaurant, I believe that other steak varieties will become richer in these restaurant concepts, which are seen as a solution by those who say Why My Restaurant Fails.
Although very detailed researches are carried out on the answer to the question of How to Open a Steak Restaurant, especially in Arab countries, in new gastronomy trends, it is a fact that fish steaks and steaks obtained from other animals will begin to be served. At the same time, it seems like an inevitable fact that the contents of the "Dry Aged & Steakhouse" restaurant menus will be updated again.
How many kinds of steak (Lop Meat, Turkish Delight) comes out of a bovine animal?
Although the types of meat used as Steak in cattle and rotten cattle are the same, it is not preferred because the weight of lop meat in small animals is small. It is not known by the same names. For example, the tenderloin with veal is called "küşleme" in lamb. Not all steak varieties are suitable for aging. In the main item, there are 7 types of main Steak meat in international standards. All other steaks are produced from these seven varieties.
What are the Original Steak Types in International Standards?
Entrecote (ageable)
steak (can be aged)
Brisket (can be aged)
Veal cutlet (can be aged)
flank steak
T-bone steak (can be aged)
They are the varieties that make up the most original and main steak products. All true steak varieties found as red meat in the world are derived from these meats.
What are the most important features to consider in cooking, serving and consuming steak varieties?
  • Not Falling Below 200 - 250 Gr.
  • Not to be consumed over 450 gr.
  • Preferring Alcohol Consumed at Room Temperature with Steak for Those Who Drink Alcohol...
  • It should never be consumed fully cooked (The more the steak is cooked, the more it will lose its softness and flavor)
  • Along with Fish Steaks, If Fish Does Not Contain Too Much Animal Fat, Cold Alcohols Can Also Be Preferred...
  • Consuming with Steamed Vegetables,
  • Consumption between a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 38 years. (Every Day Expected by Appropriate Standards Is One Age)
  • Serving with side dishes and sauces,
  • Cooking With Its Own Oil,
  • Consumption by Cooking Below Medium, Medium, or Above Medium,
  • Pre-Firing
  • Different Spices Except for Special Requests, The Real Taste of the Meat Is Not Seasoned in a Way That Changes,
  • Not to put any other product on it after cooking,
I can say that it is among the most important considerations. Different cooking techniques can be applied in Steak varieties made by the most successful chefs in professional kitchens. I believe that the most delicious steaks will be consumed in the healthiest way in return for following the recommendations of the chefs, one of the best cooking techniques.
I would like to make some definitions in order to avoid the mistakes that are known to be true by known Gastronomy experts. What are the characteristics of Wagyu, Kobe and Argentina steak varieties? What is Wagyu?, What is Kobe beef? and what is Argentina Steak? I want to give an explanation to your questions...
Steak varieties in the world are certain and there are 7 types. Wagyu, kobe and Argentina Steaks mentioned above are issues related to the rearing technique of the animal. Although it is referred to as a steak variety, I would like to remind you that there are techniques that are grown with special means.
What Wagyu Means?
It is the most important of the 4 cattle breeds that are famously produced for Definite Success in the gastronomy sector in Japan, where it is in demand. Regarding the genetic structure of the animal, its meat almost resembles a marble pattern.
Wagyu cattle breed, which does not have a very fast movement structure, contains dense fat tissue integrated with meat in every part of its body, and the lack of muscle and nerve tissue makes the meat soft. In the production of Wagyu cattle breeds, barns are raised with special techniques in quiet areas away from the roadsides.
What Does Kobe Meat Mean?
As I mentioned above, it is the Wagyu cattle breed grown in the Wagyu region of Japan, bred with special techniques. The cattle breed, whose meat is already soft, is not allowed to walk. Wagyu cattle fed with fresh herbs, barley, wheat and special fodders drink 15-20 liters of beer daily.
While the animal is almost never stressed, special breeding techniques are applied in private farms built in quiet areas and they are not allowed to grow too much, and they live for a maximum of 2.5 years. Wagyu meat is one of the most suitable meats for aging due to its high fat tissue content.
What is Argentina Steak & What is Argentine Steak?
It is an animal breeding technique practiced in Argentina. It is applied in large heads and small heads. In previous years, as soon as the animal was born, its feet were broken and it was fed by special methods (oral feeding) by laying it on its left side. Due to the great reaction from animal lovers, this system was banned, but this time, the animal was taken into a cage where it could not even stand up as soon as it was born, and it was fed with the same method.
The animal, which does not walk at all with its 0-nervous and 0-muscle structure, is massaged at certain times of the day to drink plenty of beer. At the same time, he is prevented from getting stressed by constantly listening to classical music with the sound system found in the barn.
Every part of an animal raised with the Argentine breeding technique can be consumed as a Steak. If I need to give interesting information, the 42% muscle structure found in the shin of a normal animal varies between 3% and 5% in an animal grown with the Argentine technique. Argentine meat is one of the most suitable meats for aging because of its high fat tissue content.
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* What is steak
Original steak varieties
Types of steak
Steak cooking methods
Best steak cuts
Popular steak dishes
Steak preparation tips
History of steak
Steakhouse recommendations
Steak marinades
Steak seasoning techniques
Steak grilling tips
Steak for restaurants
Steak for hotel kitchens
Steak cooking times
Famous steak recipes
Steak and wine pairing
Steak quality grades
Steak dining experience
Steak cultural significance
What is steak and how is it defined?
What are the original steak varieties and where did they originate?
What are the different types of steak cuts?
What are the best methods for cooking steak?
Which steak cuts are considered the best for grilling?
What are some popular steak dishes around the world?
What tips can help in preparing a perfect steak?
What is the history of steak and its cultural significance?
What are some highly recommended steakhouses globally?
How should steak be marinated for the best flavor?
What are the best techniques for seasoning steak?
What tips should be followed for grilling steak to perfection?
How can restaurants best incorporate steak into their menus?
What considerations should hotel kitchens take when preparing steak?
What are the optimal cooking times for different steak cuts?
What are some famous steak recipes from around the world?
How should steak and wine be paired for the best dining experience?
What are the different quality grades of steak and what do they mean?
How can one create an exceptional steak dining experience for guests?
What is the cultural significance of steak in different regions?
Coord. Chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR
International And Intercontinental
Restaurant Consultant and Kitchen Consultant
World Ambassador of Ottoman and Turkish Cuisine
* www.hasascibasiahmetozdemir.com
* www.gastronomyconsultation.com
* www.topuzkebab.com
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